Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pflueger President Spinning Reel Review

The Pflueger President spinning reel is one of those classic pieces of fishing equipment that has been used for years, and will continue to be used for years to come. It is very versatile and durable, it will last you for several years of hard fishing.
On top of that, it is a very affordable option for the quality it provides. Equipment like this from another company could cost hundreds of dollars, but the President series is available without breaking the bank. The fact that a reel of this quality can be purchased for less than $100 also makes it a perfect option for anyone who has more than one rod that needs a reel, or anyone who is getting a rod and reel for their kids.
Let's take a closer look at some of the features of the Pflueger President.
Depending on the model you get, the President series will range from 6-8 ounces, and carry a line capacity of 100-120 yards. The smaller versions are absolutely perfect for younger kids just getting started.
Bearings are important because they will determine how well a fishing reel actually reels. The more bearings it has, the smoother the retrieve will be,
The President series ranges from 8 bearings to 10 bearings depending on the model you select. Just because certain models have less bearings, it doesn't seem to disrupt the retrieval action whatsoever. It simply makes the reel lighter and easier to handle, again, making it a perfect option for kids.
Adjusting The Drag
Like most spinning reels, the Pflueger President has it's drag knob just above the spool. The difference is in the drag system itself. It is very well constructed, making it very smooth. No matter how heavy, or how light you set your drag, you will not come across a hitch when you are fishing.
Two Different Models
The President is now offered in two different models, or "incarnations" if you will. There is the classic President, and now, the XT.
In the lighter models, the XT will be lighter than the Classic, though that weight advantage disappears at the larger sizes. The XT is largely an upgrade in bearings and parts that will help the reel last longer and fish harder.

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Types of Fishing Reels

One of the most important parts of fishing net is the reel. The reels are grouped into two: flying reels and spinning reels. Under these categories, there are various types of fishing reels which include:
Centre-pin Reel
Also known as float reel, it freely moves on its axle for easy casting over long distances. The rotating reel provides the momentum, which allows the lines to be drawn off. The reel is also attached to a rod that allows casting and retrieving of the net. The rod is made perpendicular to the reel to allow the line to run off the spool during casting.
Its also called the revolving-spool reel. It has a geared bearing-supported spool. For every revolution, the crank handles produce multiple spool revolutions. The position of the bait casting reel is slightly above the rod.
Conventional Reel
Also called the trolling reel, this type of fishing reel has many similarities to the bait-casting reel. Its further categorized into lever drag and star drag reels. Though star drag reels resemble bait-casters, the lever has to be adjusted to align with the free spool. On the other hand, the lever drag is able to place itself on the free spool using the drag. Conventional reels are preferably used in offshore fishing because they are designed for big fish. However, they experience a lot of back-clash whenever they are cast yards away.
Also called fixed-spool reels, they were made to accommodate the use of artificial flies for salmon and trout. Mounted below the rod, it conforms to gravity. This implies that it does not require any application of energy to keep the reel in position. The invention of the spinning reel addressed the problem of back-clash as the reel had no rotating spool, which could foul or overrun the line.
Spin-cast Reel
The purpose of making the spin-cast reel, another type of fishing reel, was to address the problem of back-clash, which was common in the original bait-cast designs. It can be used with light lures and baits because the lines are thrown from a fixed spool. It does away with the line roller of the spinning and the large wire bail. Instead, it has a metal cups and twin pickup pins, winding the line of the spool. The reel is fitted with an external cone to protect the fixed spool. The friction between the spool cup and the cone guides against the uncoiling lines, limiting the casting distance. Spin-cast reel uses narrow spools and if it has to be large then the reel must be tall.
Under-spin Reel
Also known as the trigger-spin reels, this type of fishing reel is mounted below the spinning rod. They are easier and comfortable to cast and can be held for longer periods because the weight of the reel is suspended below the rod. Its also very versatile and flexible due to its ability to use all spinning rods. The line is usually suspended in place by rotating a trigger or a lever. The trigger is usually released in the forward cast causing the line to fly off the spool. The position of the lure during the cast can be determined by activating the lever.


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